
European Collaboration Summit 2019

Last week I attended the European Collaboration Summit for the third time. This year another location in Wiesbaden. It was a fantastic conference with a lot of great speakers. This year I choose not to make a long post an everything I saw but made an Instagram story with the highlights. Go and watch it here Next year the conference is coming back to Wiesbaden from June 8th till June 10th

Using multiple languages in Microsoft Teams

Arjan Cornelissen
Collaborating with Microsoft Teams is very easy, and I’m using it at several customers. At one customer the teams are getting multi-language where before every conversation was in Dutch, now with new team members that are not speaking Dutch they have trouble going back into the conversations and do not understand what is written. Luckily Microsoft Teams now offers the ability like Skype to have translations for this. We found that this was not enabled by default in the tenants that I worked checked.

European Collaboration Summit 2018

It was time again for the European Collaboration Summit. After the success of last year, I attended again. This time it was a bit closer to home in Mainz. We started on Tuesday with a keynote from Dan Holme (@DanHolme) with a recap of the SharePoint Conference in Las Vegas from last week. The take a way’s for me were OneDrive can handle over 300 different filetypes with a preview; this works in the browser and on the mobile clients.

SharePoint Saturday Munich 2017

This year of SharePoint Saturday’s started with the one in Munich last weekend. This time there was also a preconference session on Friday. The sessions on Friday and Saturday were held at the brand-new building of Microsoft Germany. Friday session This year they organized two preconference sessions. A developer one about Office Dev PnP and an IT Pro about SharePoint 2016. I went to the SharePoint 2016 session where they talked about all the aspects of SharePoint 20116.

Upgrading an Office 365 Group to a Microsoft Team

Arjan Cornelissen
Since a Microsoft Teams depends on Office 365 Groups and creating a Microsoft Team creates an Office 365 Group I wanted to know if it was possible to upgrade an already existing Office 365 Group to a Microsoft Team. This is possible but you need to keep a few things in mind to have the ability to upgrade a Microsoft Team. So let’s first start at the beginning, creating a Microsoft Team can be done within the Microsoft Team application by clicking on “Create team” and you will get this simple screen to create a new team

Using Microsoft Teams while Office 365 Groups are disabled

Arjan Cornelissen
The title of this post is a bit strange because you need Office 365 Groups to use Microsoft Teams, it is built on top of Office 365 Groups. But then you might ask, we do not want to enable Office 365 Groups yet for our organization but we want to use or test Microsoft Teams? To get this working you need to give a select number of people access to create Office 365 Groups, the people that is going to use Microsoft Teams do not need the permission to create Office 365 Groups.