Presentation Ops in DevOps for Office 365

I’m part of the Microsoft Heroes at Sogeti and this week we had an evening event about DevOps where I did a talk about the operations part of DevOps for Office 365.

At my current customer we are preparing Office 365 for deployment to every employee in the Netherlands. So far we had moved 1000 employees of one operating company and we are now working to get the rest of the Dutch working companies to Office 365. To make this happen we used PowerShell automation to make our operations work a lot easier and more fun by automating the boring and repeatable stuff.

I already wrote about pieces of the automation process in previous posts:

The presentation went very well and had some great questions and conversations afterwards.

The presentation can be found here: and is in Dutch.

I am excited to do a similar presentation next week at Gouvieux@Castle only then with more demo and less presentation