
Office 365 Connect 2018

This week I had the privilege to speak at Office 365 connect. My session was scheduled on the second day at 9 am. My session was about Protecting your data in Office 365 and had the big room where the keynote was yesterday. For me, this was the first time on a big event speaking and was a bit excited on doing this. After just a few minutes it felt good and had a great presentation with good feedback from the audience.

SharePoint Saturday Leicester 2018

This weekend I had the privilege to speak at SharePoint Saturday in Leicester. Here I did a session on Protecting your data in office 365. I talked about how we did security before the cloud and what Microsoft provides to keep your data safe in Office 365. I showed Multifactor authentication with Conditional Access, disabling legacy authentication, Privileged Identity Management, Identity Secure Score and Password less Authentication. See my deck below

SharePoint Saturday Belgium 2018

It was that time of the year again to visit Belgium for their SharePoint Saturday. An excellent day organized by BIWUG. This year was a tribute to an amazing SharePoint teacher who passed away too soon, Patrick Tisseghem. I did not know him but heard and read about him, I only was working 1 year with SharePoint when he passed away. During the day there were videos and photos about the things he did for the community.

Upgrading cloud users to synced users

Arjan Cornelissen
Some time ago I got the question if it was possible to start using AAD Connect while some of the users are already in Office 365 with a cloud account without losing their content and access. So this was a first that I had this question and found myself searching on the internet and found an article from Microsoft that this was possible. This article describes that you can start syncing an on-premises AD with Azure AD when you already have users in Azure AD.

Host your Office 365 DNS records in Azure DNS

Arjan Cornelissen
I have noticed that not every domain register can add every DNS record that is needed for Office 365. This leaves you with two options, move your domain to another register or host your DNS records somewhere else. To host your DNS records in Azure DNS, you need to be able to update your NS records at your domain register. If that is not an option, you need to move the domain to another register.

Connect to SharePoint Online in Azure Automation app credentials

In this post, I want to take you with me how you can use app credentials in an Azure Automation script to connect to SharePoint Online. Many PowerShell scripts use a username and password, but these are less secure than using an app credential and can also be used to login to SharePoint Online in the browser. By default, connecting to SharePoint uses basic authentication and many companies are on route to disable this to make use of conditional Access and MFA.

European Collaboration Summit 2018

It was time again for the European Collaboration Summit. After the success of last year, I attended again. This time it was a bit closer to home in Mainz. We started on Tuesday with a keynote from Dan Holme (@DanHolme) with a recap of the SharePoint Conference in Las Vegas from last week. The take a way’s for me were OneDrive can handle over 300 different filetypes with a preview; this works in the browser and on the mobile clients.

Azure AD profile properties in SharePoint profile

Arjan Cornelissen
A common situation in SharePoint is adding custom properties to a SharePoint profile. In an on-premises environment, it was very easy to link these properties to a property in AD. In SharePoint Online, you are not able to link these Azure AD properties. So how can we solve this? There is a very simple solution for this in the Office Dev PnP PowerShell pack called ‘Set-PnPProfileProperty’. This command sets any user profile property for the given user.

Presenting at SharePoint Saturday Bremen

Arjan Cornelissen
Today I had the privilege to present at SharePoint Saturday in Bremen. At first, I would go only as an attendee. Unfortunately, Albert Hoitingh got Ill and I asked if I could do a session in that slot. They were happy to give me the slot and I did my presentation about “We are moving to the cloud, What about security”. I needed some time before the session to go over the slides and make a few adjustments.

DIWUG presentation about security

Arjan Cornelissen
This week I had the privilege to do a presentation at DIWUG. This time the presentation was about the security questions when you move to the cloud. We are used to control everything in the on-premises world but we cannot do the same in a cloud environment, so we need to adapt to this. This presentation was about the options there are in the Microsoft Cloud to make it secure. Microsoft already did a lot for the security, but a lot can and must be done on the customers side to make it fit your needs.