
Term store import with Office Dev PnP

As a follow up on my post from last week I wanted to add some extra data in the terms. This is not possible with the default CSV import that SharePoint has. I mentioned in my previous post that Office Dev PnP has also an option to import terms. And with that option we can add a lot more than only the term itself. What commands do we have? We have a 2 options here to add term to Office 365.

Term store import file conversion

This week I was working with the term store and had to create and import a big chuck of data in the term store. We all know that we have multiple options here Just enter them one by one in the browser (great for a few entries) Use the csv import Use CSOM Use Office Dev PnP PowerShell This post will address the csv import. Getting started with the csv For the csv import we have a sample that can be downloaded from the term store (http://-admin.

Updated: Extension attributes in Azure AD

This week I had a customer that has some data in their on-premises Active directory that we needed to use for a custom application in SharePoint Online. This data was placed in the ExtensionAttribute field of the user. With the latest version of Azure AD Connect we have the option to select attributes to sync to Azure Active Directory and that is what the customer did. This screenshot has selected division and employeeID, but in the complete list of available attributes there are also the ExtensionAttributes.

SharePoint Saturday Netherlands June 11 2016

Two weeks after my visit to SharePoint Saturday Paris I visited SharePoint Saturday Netherlands. The schedule for today was a bit more relaxed than in Paris. We had 4 session slots of 75 minutes with great sessions and more time in between the sessions to have a chat with sponsors, trying out the HoloLens and playing some games. The HoloLens is a very cool device and I tried it here for the first time.

SharePoint Saturday Paris May 28 2016

On May 28th 2016 I visited SharePoint Saturday in Paris ( The event was held in the Montparnasse Tower in the center of Paris on the 40th floor. We had an amazing view from that height. This article contains my notes of the day. Start of the day We had some trouble getting in the building because of some regulations of the building owner, but when we were all registered we could go all the way up to the 40th floor.

SharePoint Online user policy

Arjan Cornelissen
I’m currently working in a large enterprise where we have a dedicated team of SharePoint administrators. This team is responsible for the current on-premises SharePoint environment. The way we give this team control over the whole environment is with the option ‘User Policy’ within the web application. Here we give the whole team administrator rights for the web application. This way we do not have to assign rights to every single site collection.

How to use Azure Business 2 Business (B2B) with SharePoint Online

From the beginning of SharePoint Online we have the option to share a site or document with an external user. When you use this feature the recipient need to have a Microsoft Account to login your SharePoint environment. Because this can be very confusion for the user, Microsoft is working on a Business 2 Business connection within Azure AD. With this connection you can share that same site or document with a user from another Azure AD tenant.

OneDrive 4 Business URL Change

Arjan Cornelissen
This weekend we did a migration between 2 tenant and with this migration we noticed that the URL for OneDrive 4 Business was changed on the old tenant after we changed the domain name for all the users. This means when you change the UPN of a user not only the primary email address is changed but also the user profile in SharePoint Online. I did a test with another tenant to see how long it takes for the URL to change; this gives an indication about the profile update time.

Office UI Fabric, Microsoft’s bootstrap?

Microsoft has released a new framework for developing an awesome front-end called Office UI Fabric. So the big question is why did Microsoft created this framework? We already have a ton of different frameworks for front-end development like Bootstrap, Semantic UI, 960 Grid System and many more. The short answer is that we did not have a framework for creating Office or SharePoint add-ins that integrates with the looks of Office applications.

How to get the geolocation column

There are a number of blogs already written about how to get the Geolocation column on your SharePoint site, but a lot of sites use the wrong syntax for the field XML. Even the MSDN site for adding the geolocation column to your site is incomplete. The correct XML to use is: The important part here is the addition of the Name property in the field definition. The complete script to add it to your site is: