
Azure Active Directory Connect Health update

Arjan Cornelissen
Since some time we have the ability to see the health of the Azure Active Directory Connect in the new portal ( and since a few days I saw that the sync errors are now displayed in this blade as well. This is a great addition, because it will give a better overview of the synchronization errors than the email you get every 30 minutes. I also have noticed that there are rules created to move this email to another map when it arrives because it gives a lot of clutter in the mailbox.

Azure B2B updates

A week ago Microsoft released the public preview of the Azure B2B invitation API. I have seen this at Ignite in September that they were working on that. The announcement can be found here With this announcement I went looking into this what other options there already are for inviting a partner into your AD. The options at this moment are: Upload CSV file thru Add a user in the new portal https://portal.

Azure AD-directory settings

Arjan Cornelissen
This week I was trying to find a good way to disable the creating of Office 365 Groups from creating. I love the functionality of Office 365 Groups but it is still missing some key elements from using in a large corporation. The main thing missing is the ability to have naming convention, now you say but they released that. Well that is partly true. The naming convention is only applied when you create an Office 365 Group in Exchange, Outlook or the Groups app.

SharePoint Saturday Brussel October 15, 2016

Last weekend I visited SharePoint Saturday in Brussel Belgium. This was my fourth time here in Belgium and again a great one. The day was setup up 6 sessions of 50 minutes and a lunch break of 1.5 hours with a 30 minute. We started at 9 with a welcome from the BIWUG team and the first session started short after that. I started with some developer sessions. Get Typing with TypeScript I started the day with a session from David Opdendries (@sharepointdavid)

Ignite 2016 Atlanta summary

Last week I had the privilege to attent Microsoft Ignite in Atlanta. This week was full of news, sessions and a lot of walking. Besides the sessions, this year the expo hall was large, I have spend a lot of time at the expo talking to venders, partners and Microsoft. I have created a PDF from all my notes. On a few notes I have references to slides, the slides should be come available on https://myignite.

Presentation Ops in DevOps for Office 365

Arjan Cornelissen
I’m part of the Microsoft Heroes at Sogeti and this week we had an evening event about DevOps where I did a talk about the operations part of DevOps for Office 365. At my current customer we are preparing Office 365 for deployment to every employee in the Netherlands. So far we had moved 1000 employees of one operating company and we are now working to get the rest of the Dutch working companies to Office 365.

Updated: Extension attributes in Azure AD

This week I had a customer that has some data in their on-premises Active directory that we needed to use for a custom application in SharePoint Online. This data was placed in the ExtensionAttribute field of the user. With the latest version of Azure AD Connect we have the option to select attributes to sync to Azure Active Directory and that is what the customer did. This screenshot has selected division and employeeID, but in the complete list of available attributes there are also the ExtensionAttributes.

Azure AD token-signing certificate roll over

Arjan Cornelissen
Last week Microsoft has send an email that on august 15th 2016 the Azure AD token-signing certificate would roll over and that I had some applications that is using this token-signing certificates. The list of applications contains all of them, this was not very useful. Luckily there is a short step-by-step instruction with a link to a complete manual ( Because I manage a few Azure Active directories like many developers, this was going to give me some work.

How to integrate Azure automation with GitHub

Arjan Cornelissen
In my previous post I wrote about using Azure automation to start and stop an Azure VM that is deployed using Resource manager. If you did not read that one I suggest you read it first since I will use that setup and the scripts in this post. The azure automation has a great editor, but there is no version control in it. To solve this Microsoft added an option to integrate with GitHub and Visual Studio Online.