Last two weekends I went to SharePoint Saturday in Paris and Belgium. It is always great to meet other SharePoint and Office 365 consultants, customers and suppliers.
SPS Paris The first weekend I went to Paris where I did not read my emails to carefully, so I was at the wrong venue. I was not the only one. It took some extra time to get to the new location. Arrived there I was just in time for the first session; this was a session about the secure score site from Microsoft.
A year ago, I wrote a post about Azure AD conditional access, with the change to the new portal a lot has changed. This post will show what is changed since then and what is coming.
The biggest change in conditional access is that last year you had to configure this per application in the old portal, there was no reference in the new portal (current one) back then. Now you can create policies that apply to one or multiple applications or even tenant wide.
Within Office 365 a user can set his or her language preferences on several ways, this post will show several ways on setting this and how this can be managed as an administrator for your users.
Let’s start with the places that a user can set this.
Office 365 “My Account” When you are in Office 365 you can click on your name and select My Account. Underneath Settings part you can set the language of Office 365
The first thing that might come to your mind might be that modern authentication is enabled for Office 365. Well that is partly true. It is enabled for SharePoint online, not for Exchange and Skype for Business if your tenant is created before august 1st 2017. While writing this about 95% of the tenants are older then 1 month so modern authentication is not enabled for Exchange and Skype for Business.
At my current customer, we have a lot of domains and many of them have a free Yammer network. We are rolling out Office 365 and want to consolidate all the networks that we have into one enterprise network.
With this wish we got two options, just consolidate all networks and tell the users that all the networks are consolidated into one network and that all the conversations are lost or you can try to find out for every network who uses it and create a backup of all the conversations before you consolidate.
Since I started my own company I am more aware of the impact of a domain name for your company. Not only for your website but also for your email address. I keep seeing companies with their own domain and website but having an or email address. That inspired me to write this post.
Free email So let’s start with what I mean by free email. These are the providers where you just can register and get an email address for ‘free’.
This post was inspired by a Facebook group where there was a question what we could teach the others and since my expertise is about Office 365 and Azure and suggested that I could write about that, but it was to technical so they asked me to make teach a higher over topic. One of the topics is explaining the benefits of using the cloud. To do that I need to start what the cloud is.
This week I needed to create a demo environment for my presentation at SharePoint Saturday in the Netherlands and I Installed the latest version of Azure Active Directory Connect (1.1.524.0) and to my surprise it supported modern authentication when I connected to Azure Active Directory. I created an account where MFA was disabled to make the connection but that was not necessary to my surprise. See the screenshot below asking Azure Active Directory Connect for sign into my tenant.
This week I did a presentation at DIWUG about how to use Azure Automation in combination with Office 365
I told about the possibilities of Azure Automation, what you can do with it in general and then zoomed in on specific tasks within Office 365 like setting the useslocation of your users. When you need a Hybrid configuration and how you can use version control with your scripts.
[slideshare id=83741543&doc=20170518-watkanazureautomationbiedenvooroffice365klanten-171209194336]
As I described in a previous article you can add a partner to your Office 365 tenant to assist you with managing your tenant. This article goes deeper into what your partner can do in SharePoint Online
Your partner can do the same things as the SharePoint administrator can do, so they see the SharePoint admin portal and can change all the settings. By default, they do not have access to any site collection or the data in your site collections.