
SPS Paris and SPS Belgium

Last two weekends I went to SharePoint Saturday in Paris and Belgium. It is always great to meet other SharePoint and Office 365 consultants, customers and suppliers. SPS Paris The first weekend I went to Paris where I did not read my emails to carefully, so I was at the wrong venue. I was not the only one. It took some extra time to get to the new location. Arrived there I was just in time for the first session; this was a session about the secure score site from Microsoft.

Enabling modern authentication on Office 365

Arjan Cornelissen
The first thing that might come to your mind might be that modern authentication is enabled for Office 365. Well that is partly true. It is enabled for SharePoint online, not for Exchange and Skype for Business if your tenant is created before august 1st 2017. While writing this about 95% of the tenants are older then 1 month so modern authentication is not enabled for Exchange and Skype for Business.

DIWUG Presentation May 18e 2017

Arjan Cornelissen
This week I did a presentation at DIWUG about how to use Azure Automation in combination with Office 365 I told about the possibilities of Azure Automation, what you can do with it in general and then zoomed in on specific tasks within Office 365 like setting the useslocation of your users. When you need a Hybrid configuration and how you can use version control with your scripts. [slideshare id=83741543&doc=20170518-watkanazureautomationbiedenvooroffice365klanten-171209194336]

Give a partner access to your SPO site

Arjan Cornelissen
As I described in a previous article you can add a partner to your Office 365 tenant to assist you with managing your tenant. This article goes deeper into what your partner can do in SharePoint Online Your partner can do the same things as the SharePoint administrator can do, so they see the SharePoint admin portal and can change all the settings. By default, they do not have access to any site collection or the data in your site collections.

Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell with MFA enabled account

Connecting to Exchange Online was only possible with an account that did not have MFA enabled because it only can handle basic authentication. This is an issue because Microsoft advises us to have accounts that can do administrative tasks to have MFA enabled. Now we must choose between an account that has no MFA and a possible security breach and an account that cannot connect to Exchange Online. To solve this, we had an account that was disabled by default and when we had to do Exchange tasks we enabled it.

SharePoint Saturday Munich 2017

This year of SharePoint Saturday’s started with the one in Munich last weekend. This time there was also a preconference session on Friday. The sessions on Friday and Saturday were held at the brand-new building of Microsoft Germany. Friday session This year they organized two preconference sessions. A developer one about Office Dev PnP and an IT Pro about SharePoint 2016. I went to the SharePoint 2016 session where they talked about all the aspects of SharePoint 20116.

Azure Managed Disk

Arjan Cornelissen
Last week Microsoft announced the general availability of Managed Disk (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/announcing-general-availability-of-managed-disks-and-larger-scale-sets/). Until now you always needed to manage you own storage for storing the VM disks. With this option you now have the option to create VM’s without caring about the underlying storage. Using managed disks is made very easy by just selecting Managed Disk while creating a new VM in the portal. When you want to create a VM using PowerShell you just need to add configure type of storage while creating the OS Disk with this command “Set-AzureRmVMOSDisk”.

Upgrading an Office 365 Group to a Microsoft Team

Arjan Cornelissen
Since a Microsoft Teams depends on Office 365 Groups and creating a Microsoft Team creates an Office 365 Group I wanted to know if it was possible to upgrade an already existing Office 365 Group to a Microsoft Team. This is possible but you need to keep a few things in mind to have the ability to upgrade a Microsoft Team. So let’s first start at the beginning, creating a Microsoft Team can be done within the Microsoft Team application by clicking on “Create team” and you will get this simple screen to create a new team

Using Microsoft Teams while Office 365 Groups are disabled

Arjan Cornelissen
The title of this post is a bit strange because you need Office 365 Groups to use Microsoft Teams, it is built on top of Office 365 Groups. But then you might ask, we do not want to enable Office 365 Groups yet for our organization but we want to use or test Microsoft Teams? To get this working you need to give a select number of people access to create Office 365 Groups, the people that is going to use Microsoft Teams do not need the permission to create Office 365 Groups.

Azure AD-directory settings

Arjan Cornelissen
This week I was trying to find a good way to disable the creating of Office 365 Groups from creating. I love the functionality of Office 365 Groups but it is still missing some key elements from using in a large corporation. The main thing missing is the ability to have naming convention, now you say but they released that. Well that is partly true. The naming convention is only applied when you create an Office 365 Group in Exchange, Outlook or the Groups app.